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welcome to the written work on my website.

a special thank you to those who took time to type my name in and click this––which i guess is all of you.

what an honor.

the zine of aga: fuck that noise

okay, i'm going to be up front: this will be confusing if you click project 1 without getting context.


first of all, i get this is the first written project that shows up on the "words." page. but go read project 3, gateway class stuff first. you need context. true or true? after you explore, come back.


venture aga's mind––click to be exposed to my thoughts and emotions that flow and create masterpieces of arranged words. at least, in my opinion. 

the minor in writing portfolio.

here lies the coursework of the Sweetland minor in writing.

to see more or discuss possible work, let's talk >>>
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