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project | 01

collaged poetry zine: fuck that noise

okay, i'm going to be up front: this will be confusing.


first of all, i get this is the first written project that shows up on the "words." page. but go read project 3, gateway class stuff first. you need context. true or true? (click the "take me to the class" button to know what's going on). after you explore, come back.


after trying two different genres, i took a completely different approach: zines. within this envisioned zine, i would comprise a collection of poems and written excerpts that epitomize the original piece. because zines can be about anything, in any style, i decided to hone in on a topic: mental health. as i have struggled before, i would like to reach out to the people who struggle with depression, eating disorders, anger, anxiety etc. with my own expressions and thoughts, i hope to help them not feel alone. in addition, i have structured my zine so that there is a clear distinction between the thoughts and emotions during darker days, as well as the lighter, brighter emotions and thoughts after i have overcome those struggles. nowhere in the zine does it say how, or why, or what influenced my healing; this was intentional. my process is personal, and even unique, as theirs will be. i do not want to put mine in, as an answer for any readers seeking to replicate. i want what is best for them––you. and by me including the more positive second half, i hope that will be a beacon of hope for what they may experience in time.

this is your trigger warning: topics in the zine include eating disorders, body image, depression, and self-harm.

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